Trust Priorities
Trust Priorities

Trust Priorities


  • To guide you through your learning adventure
  • To explore the routes together
  • When you get to a crossroad, we help you to consider the risks
  • To set high expectations with you not for you
  • To work for the greater good and support our community of youngsters to be the best they can be and to feel they are safe and belong

Maintain and further develop exceptional educational provision or children and young people with complex needs and disabilities

  • The executive team will quality assure the provision across the trust to ensure high standards are maintained
  • The curriculum is tailored to the needs of the individual pupils and enrichment opportunities are wide ranging
  • A holistic and therapeutic approach is integral to our provision
  • We provide new contexts for learning and experience eg: the cafes and shop, horticulture, and the farm
  • A focus on facilitating meaningful independence to fulfil the aim of preparing our community for adult life
  • A commitment to promoting and celebrating diversity and inclusive practice
  • CPD, training, induction and development of staff is of the highest quality
  • Appraisal is robust and focussed on professional standards across all sectors of our workforce
  • Regular external monitoring and validation
  • Advocacy – by listening to pupil voice, by meeting the needs and aspirations of children and young people
  • Providing a safe, secure, stimulating and harmonious environment for learning
  • Assess and measure progress according to our pupils’ needs to inform best teaching and learning opportunities
  • Use evidence-based research and be at the forefront of cutting edge practice
  • Making sure that the pupils are shaping their own learning and futures
  • Working with their families

Jointly set up Post 19/16-25 provision for CLLD young adults

  • Develop personalised curriculum pathways and explore and shape 16 – 25 year provision for young people with complex needs and disabilities with our partners
  • Agree numbers in the workbook for post 19 places at Compass new company from September 22 with Brent and the ESFA ( 20 minimum)
  • Set up a compliant arm’s length company to facilitate provision
  • Securing the appropriate funding for the purpose via Brent and the ESFA
  • Senior leaders and all stakeholders influence change locally and nationally
  • Maintain and develop partnerships with the interest of the MAT pupils in all partnership goals and activities
  • Expansion and increase in numbers of pupils to increase capacity to support pupils with Complex needs in Brent
  • CIF new build application to DFE/ ESFA for Woodfield underway
  • New build proposal of Kingsbury Village Site (KVS) rebuild via Brent due to cabinet in November
  • CLP explores leasehold options to mitigate the risk of the KVS building – with a view to including /transferring this to support 16 – 25 provision in 22/23

Succession planning, responsive recruitment, and staffing structure reflects trust development and growth, driven by pupil need and economies of scale

  • Promote CPD and accredited training across the trust  (new Teaching School Hub sign up)
  • Robust staffing structure with capacity for change and growth ( opportunities for leadership and management development)
  • New projects and research opportunities
  • Leaders represent schools and trust at local and national forums
  • JDS provide clarity about growth and succession planning options
  • Promote diversity and inclusion across all sectors – leaders, executive team, trust and governing body succession planning in place
  • Reflect and promote the trust democratic scheme of delegation and its vision and values
  • Trustees, governors, CEO, HR and clerk will oversee and manage high level appointments, commissioning specialist knowledge as appropriate to the role
  • Staffing structure shaped and developed according to the communities we serve and financial capacity
  • Recruitment, safer recruitment and appointments reflect diversity of our community and adhere to the recruitment policy and procedures, and our single equality plan

Vision is rooted in the community we serve

If we believe this can we answer the following questions?

  1. What is the value of the trust to its schools?
  2. What do trustees and governors contribute to the schools in terms of knowledge and understanding, its development and growth?
  3. Do trustees and governors know what children, families, staff and partners think about the trust and its schools? And if so how do we know for sure?
  4. Have all our governors and trustees spent time in classes speaking to children and young people and staff?
  5. Have we heard our pupils’ voice? Have we acted on it? Has it influenced our thinking?