Welcome to Compass Learning Partnership (CLP)
Welcome to Compass Learning Partnership (CLP)

Welcome to Compass Learning Partnership (CLP)

We are a trust which focuses on delivering outstanding educational provision for children and young people who have complex needs and disabilities between the ages of 3 and 19 years. The children and young people across the trust are the stars in our constellation.

The Trust's purpose is to ensure equanimity of the quality of provision and access in its schools for all children and young people who attend and to ensure that the schools are supported and guided to be inclusive and outstanding.

Compass Learning Partnership is currently responsible for two large special schools, The Village and Woodfield Schools, and both are located in the London Borough of Brent.

The Village School caters for children and young people with complex needs and disabilities aged between 3 and 19 years.

Woodfield School caters for pupils with children and young people with complex needs and disabilities between the ages of 11 and 19 years.

Our guiding principle is that our vision is ‘rooted in the community we serve’. We believe in serving the greater good of our community which includes all our stakeholders.

We are a multi faith and richly diverse community and we are committed to ensuring that we celebrate and support all of our community to be the best they can be.

We have high expectations for the children and young people we serve and high expectations for ourselves in making things happen for the greater good of all.

Our children and young people are entitled to making progress and feel included. We want our community of pupils to believe that they can achieve their best and feel that they belong to a community that believes in them and their abilities. We pride ourselves in providing a curriculum journey that supports independence and equips our youngsters for a positive and enriching adulthood and one that seeks learning opportunities at every turn.

We believe that learning and school life should be an exciting adventure for our children and young people. Our curriculum reflects the diversity of our population and the global perspective. The schools provide exceptional enrichment opportunities.

We believe in leadership at all levels and that this is crucial across our large community and as a result we have committed to promoting and supporting a ‘coaching culture’ to facilitate this end. It supports our dedication to excellent succession planning for staff and their professional development.

We recognise that continuing professional learning and development are key to our success and we are delighted that our community of staff are rich in the skills, experience and knowledge we need to meet the needs and aspirations of our community.

It is important now, however, to refer to the very significant disadvantages and barriers to learning and opportunity for our children and young people and their families and communities face at the moment. The pandemic is a significant threat to children and young people who are vulnerable and continues to slow the tide of our young people feeling included in the wider community and society. All that we have been striving to achieve together over many years has suffered a setback. If all of us feel the setback, just imagine if you were not feeling included even before the pandemic struck. But we are a very strong community, bigger than the sum of our parts. Our families have been exceptional in the way in which they have worked with the schools, despite all the difficulties. And I know that this will help us over the next six months as we regain some opportunities to explore and experience outside of the bubbles.

I must also add that I am heartened that Black Lives Matter has raised the profile of the ongoing injustice of racial discrimination and institutionalised racism but degusted at how little is being done to hold those to account who continue to feel confident in expressing racial hatred. At Compass Learning Partnership we will tackle all forms of discrimination against any of those with protected characteristics and we take all forms of bullying and harassment very seriously. There is a harmony in our schools amongst our communities which the world could take some learning from. We celebrate difference and diversity, and we are collectively enriched in our learning and perspectives because of this.

I want you to know that the executive team of myself, the two headteachers, the chief operating officer and all the teams across the trust are absolutely committed to working with all of our community and stakeholders and navigating this challenging journey with you.


Hermann Farrington
Chief Executive Officer