Vision and Values
Vision and Values

Vision and Values


  • Vision is rooted in the community we serve
  • To promote and support inclusive practice
  • To deliver safe and outstanding provision* at all levels
  • The Nolan Principles underpin our practice
  • The voice of the children and young people and families we serve is our heartbeat
  • Our creative and proactive staff community set the tone
  • We are committed to providing all children in the trust an exciting and holistic educational adventure


  • We uphold the Nolan Principles of Public Life
  • Our Values priority 21/22 current focus is:
  • 1.7 Leadership
  • Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour and robustly support the principles and be willing to change poor behaviour wherever it occurs
  • Establish new leadership teams
  • Rigorous training and support for stakeholders in academy finance and governance

*Ofsted: Quality of Education/ Behaviour and attitudes/ Personal development/ Leadership and management